My Store: BOHS



GITA 1 Reflection
Last year, in GITA 1, I learned how to code through Visual Studios. Leaving off on how to use arrays and sorting. It was overall a new and interesting experience for me.

2024-2025 (THIS YR)
This year in GITA 2, we are learning to code using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. So far, we’ve created a few games and are already surpassing the progress we made last year, even though we’re only halfway through the year. I find this class more challenging, but not overwhelmingly harder than last year.


Ethical Uses of Social Media
This research project educates people on the ethics of using social Media. We also implemented rollover effects onto the graphics (image will change when hoovered over).

Business Card
The objective of this project was to design and create a digital business card as a webpage, optimized for mobile viewing. This exercise integrates key concepts from AP Computer Science Principles, particularly focusing on the "Big Ideas" of Creativity, Data, and The Internet.

This project requires creating a personalized collage of graphics, each paired with a phrase, to represent me. We used CSS to position one graphic absolutely and arrange the others relatively and layering them. The goal is to express yourself visually while demonstrating CSS layout skills.

Online Store (Upgraded)
The objective of this project was to create a fully functional web page for an online store based on a theme of my choice. This project will challenges us to incorporate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop a dynamic and visually appealing online shopping experience.

Dice Game
This program replicates the rolling of two dice, generating random numbers, after every roll, it calculates and shows the sum, tracks how often each possible sum has appeared, and updates the experimental probabilities based on the total number of rolls.

Craps Game
This program will create a simulation of the classic Las Vegas Craps game. The game will involve rolling two dice, calculating the sum, and displaying the result with graphical representations of the dice.

Circle Bounce
This project requires creating a program where a circle moves diagonally around a canvas in the browser. The circle must stay within the canvas boundaries and bounce off the edges when it hits them.

Space Invaders
This assignment involves creating a simple game with movement, shooting mechanics, and win/loss conditions. The goal is for the player to defeat the space invader by hitting it three times, while avoiding losing if the invader reaches the bottom of the canvas. The game mimics the actual Space Invader Game.

Tank Game
In this assignment, we created an interactive tank game using JavaScript. The game features a top-down view of a tank that can move in four different directions and shoot in all directions. The goal is to hit a randomly appearing target and accumulate points before time runs out.

Circle Bounce (Multiple Circle Objects)
This program requires creating circles of random sizes, speeds, and colors that move diagonally within a canvas while bouncing off all walls. Additionally, a rectangle moves randomly in any direction, and if it approaches a circle, the circle’s color changes. The project combines randomness, collision detection, and dynamic visual interaction.

This game involves controlling a submarine that moves with keypresses and always floats upward, facing left or right. A school of fish swims independently, with each fish facing a direction and moving out of the way of the submarine. Additionally, a small fish swims randomly, and the submarine must protect it from losing health when it gets too close to other fish. The game ends when the small fish loses health, and the final score is based on the time spent playing.

Number Array
The objective of this game was to develop a program that generates and analyzes a set of random numbers while providing user interaction to explore and manipulate the dataset.

Number Array (Upgrade 1)
In this assignment, we worked with arrays to generate and manipulate a large dataset. The task is to evaluate the performance of searching within an array and calculate statistical results.

Number Array (Upgrade 2)
We expanded the program by adding functionality to evaluate the efficiency of searching within a sorted array using binary search.

Circle Art
We recreated a graphic shape made of circles on the canvas. We animated the process using a timer, ensuring one circle is drawn at a time until the pattern is fully completed.

Photons *Honey Shooter!*
In this assignment, we created a Photon Shooter, which is a space-themed game. We programed a spaceship that moves within a boundary, fires projectiles, and destroys enemies through collision detection. By implementing animation, user input handling, and a game loop, we built an interactive and dynamic gameplay experience.

In this assignment, we practiced using string methods, arrays, and DOM manipulation to create an interactive web application. We focused on processing and handling user input dynamically.

We created a dynamic checkerboard application using the canvas element. Users can customize the checkerboard’s dimensions and color scheme.

Internet Research Project
In this project, we researched key topics in computer science principles, with a focus on privacy, security, and the ethical impacts of computing innovations. We presented our research in a visually engaging website.